Friday, November 26, 2010

New Jersey stories

My story of a grandmother's special gift to her beloved grandson, Diary Secrets, will be coming out in paperback this winter. It will be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and will cost approximately $11.50. This is my Civil War story although most of my writings touch upon the Civil War or World War II. The story line goes this way. Young Charlotte Frazier escapes Civil War era Virginia with her special needs brother lest their crazy father murder them. They are taken in by a kind but elderly Quaker abolitionist, and from this safe haven, Charlotte eventually goes on to find love and happiness. She wills her old Virginia homestead to her grandson Ken, hoping that he can restore it and find his own happy life.
Coming out in kindle format in the next few weeks is my other story,The Folksinger, which tells of two childhood friends, Jim McFarland and Ted Peterson, who rise to musical fame in the 1960's . Jim remains beside Ted's side through very dark times, and after Ted's tragic death. Jim drops out of the world of music and devotes himself to saving high-risk teenagers. The Folksinger is definitely not light-hearted comedy, but it is also not dismal and depressing. This is my story of the longlasting effects of childhood sexual abuse and it has an underlying theme of the need to carry on no matter what life brings.